
2018年9月2日—當存取一堆細檔案嘅時候,硬碟每讀完一個檔案就要搜尋下一個檔案嘅位置,而5400rpm同7200rpm嘅分別在於搜尋速度,5400rpm相對於搜尋速度較7200rpm慢好多, ...,2018年4月2日—而且這個差距相當明顯,比如說7200rpm的硬碟要比5400rpm的硬碟在隨機讀寫能力上要有20%的優勢,但是持續讀寫能力,能有10%的差距就不錯了——別忘了,光碟片 ...,2023年1月30日—Although7200RPMharddrivesarefasterthan5400RPMdrives,5400RP...

5400 轉同7200 轉分別大唔大(頁1)

2018年9月2日 — 當存取一堆細檔案嘅時候,硬碟每讀完一個檔案就要搜尋下一個檔案嘅位置,而5400rpm同7200rpm嘅分別在於搜尋速度,5400rpm相對於搜尋速度較7200rpm慢好多, ...

7200vs5400 硬碟這點差別你真清楚?

2018年4月2日 — 而且這個差距相當明顯,比如說7200rpm的硬碟要比5400rpm的硬碟在隨機讀寫能力上要有20%的優勢,但是持續讀寫能力,能有10%的差距就不錯了——別忘了,光碟片 ...

What's the difference between 5400 and 7200 RPM hard ...

2023年1月30日 — Although 7200 RPM hard drives are faster than 5400 RPM drives, 5400 RPM drives offer an average of 100 MB/s read and write speeds, while 7200 ...

5400 RPM vs 7200 RPM

2022年6月28日 — In terms of rotation speed, 7200 RPM is at least 15% faster than 5400 RPM hard drives. (Of course, these are just theoretical numbers. The ...

Are 5400 RPM drives more reliable than 7200 ...

2021年1月30日 — These days, the 7200 RPM drive is more prevalent than the 5400 because it has a faster data transfer rate. Most likely, the 7200 drive is newer.

How different is the 5400 RPM vs 7200 RPM performance ...

2018年4月22日 — My question though is that most drives nowadays are coming out at the 5400RPM speed rather than the normal 7200 RPM speed. I understand that ...

Choosing High Performance Storage Isn't Just About RPM

Given two identically designed hard drives with the same areal densities, a 7200 RPM drive will deliver data about 33% faster than the 5400 RPM drive.

My HDD Speed 1.02 - 即時監測硬碟的存取速度

My HDD Speed 1.02 - 即時監測硬碟的存取速度
